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Inpatient and Outpatient Rehabilitation at UPMC

UPMC Rehabilitation Institute is home to the largest network of rehab services in southwest Pa.

Our 90+ inpatient, outpatient, and long-term care centers mean that we're here to meet your needs at each phase of your recovery.

Inpatient Rehab in Southwest Pa.

Find nationally renowned inpatient rehabilitation at over 12 locations in southwest Pa.

We also have five locations that offer transitional rehab.

Outpatient Physical (PT), Occupational (OT), and Speech Therapy (ST)

In southwest Pa.

The UPMC Rehabilitation Institute in southwest Pa. has 60+ outpatient rehab locations near where you live or work.

In north central Pa.

Find outpatient PT, OT, and ST at more than 15 locations in north central Pa.

In central Pa.

UPMC partners with Select Physical Therapy to provide inpatient and outpatient rehab care in central Pa.

Outpatient Physical Medicine and Rehab in Southwest Pa.

Doctors from UPMC's Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in Pittsburgh provide outpatient care for conditions ranging from stroke to sports injuries.

We focus on designing new technologies and treatments to help you achieve mobility and stay independent.

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