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Tom Antolic

Tom sits outside on a deck in his wheelchair with several medals around his neck.

Tom Antolic was 25 years old when he sustained an injury to his T12 vertebra while snowboarding, resulting in paralysis in his lower body. Within six months of his injury, Tom was driving again and able to get back to work full time as an engineer.

Throughout the years, he has played wheelchair basketball and sled hockey and has tried water skiing. His favorite activities are handcycling, kayaking, and snow skiing.

“Handcycling has really opened doors for me, as I was not a competitive athlete before my injury,” Tom says. “Through this sport, I have found myself competing for top spots in marathons, including Pittsburgh, Detroit, and even Boston.”

Tom recommends the following resources:

Hear Tom Antolic talk about their experience.

Tom sits outside on a deck in his wheelchair with several medals around his neck. Tom sits next to a handcycling wheelchair.  Tom sits outside, smiling at the artist, wearing medals around his neck.


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