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Nommo Semi, Guardian of Space and Nommo Dei and Nommo Titiyane by Mikael Owunna

Artwork Location: Level 3, Refractive Surgery Waiting Area 

Mikael Owunna creates celestial portraits of Black people inspired by African cosmologies. The two photographs on the third floor are part of his Infinite Essence series. According to a creation myth from the West African Dogon tribe, the androgynous deity Amma creates eight spiritual figures called Nommo who are the ancestors of humanity. The figure on the left embodies Nommo Semi, whose gesture demonstrates their role as the Guardian of Space. The photo on the right portrays Nommo Die (Great Nommo), the heavenly agent of Amma, and Nommo Titiyane (Messenger of the Nommo), who guards and protects their spiritual principles.

Using his training in engineering and photography, Owunna built a camera flash that transmits ultraviolet light. He paints the backgrounds and models with fluorescent paint and photographs in total darkness. When the camera shutter opens, beams of ultraviolet light illuminate the glowing body and makes an image that is only visible with the flash.

“The work speaks to a larger concept of a vision of humanity that transcends what’s visible to the human eye alone. In these images the human body is illuminated in a way that in not visible to the human eye alone but uses the invisible spectrum of light to see these glorious, emancipated bodies. I hope people going through experiences, difficulties and challenges with vision and physical rehabilitation will walk away inspired in their own journeys of healing.” – Mikael Owunna

Mikael Owunna, Nommo Semi, Guardian of Space

Mikael Owunna, Nommo Semi, Guardian of Space

Mikael Owunna, Nomi Dei and Nommo Titiyane

Mikael Owunna, Nomi Dei and Nommo Titiyane

The artist celebrating the installation of his photographs during the opening reception of the facility in April 2023.