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Significant travel delays in Oakland. We advise allowing an additional 45 minutes for traveling to an appointment in the area.

The Challenges of working with Adolescents in the In-Patient Setting

Dr. Daniel Bender is the Medical Director of the Child and Adolescent Inpatient Unit at Western Psychiatric Hospital. His clinical work was recently featured in the New York Times.

This is a short-term unit with length of stay usually only one to two weeks. This podcast reflects the major challenges addressed in a short-term “crisis” oriented setting including professional work with both family and diverse adolescent patients.

Psychiatry Advances: The Challenges of working with Adolescents in the In-Patient Setting
Dr. Daniel Bender is the Medical Director of the Child and Adolescent Inpatient Unit at Western Psychiatric Hospital. His clinical work was recently featured in the New York Times (Reference included).
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  • Jones, Maggie, How Do You Actually Help a Suicidal Teen? “It’s a dark time for therapists treating adolescents in despair. But some things do work.”