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Significant travel delays in Oakland. We advise allowing an additional 45 minutes for traveling to an appointment in the area.

Crisis Training Institute

The Crisis Training Institute (CTI) of UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital provides a wide range of programs and consulting services. Our programs focus on:

  • Crisis prevention, intervention, and postvention (Comprehensive Crisis Management)
  • Stress management (Critical Incident Stress Management)
  • Suicide intervention (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)

Crisis Training Institute Programs

These programs and services help individuals across a wide variety of disciplines perform effectively in crisis-related or potentially violent situations. Our programs are currently being used in many settings, including mental and behavioral health services, schools, medical facilities, substance use treatments, nursing homes, group homes, security organizations, response teams, and long-term treatment facilities.

To learn more about our programs or to schedule a consultation, please call 412-328-6376.

Crisis Training Institute programs include:

Learn more about our programs


Our Experts

Our professional team members are experienced in the fields of mental health, crisis management, education, drug and alcohol, and behavioral health outreach. The team’s collective background includes clinical management and education, as well as psychiatric milieu management, intellectual disabilities, behavioral health response, and crisis experiences in phone, mobile, walk-in, and residential.

Learn more about our experts


Our Track Record

Our programs have been implemented at UPMC hospitals, including UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital, and at other hospitals including Children’s Hospital of Orange County, The Watson Institute, Indiana Regional Medical Center, Lehigh Valley Health Network, Penn Highlands Health System, Pine Richland School District, Allegheny Intermediate Unit, Clairton City School District, and South Fayette School District, along with many more.