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Significant travel delays in Oakland. We advise allowing an additional 45 minutes for traveling to an appointment in the area.

Contact UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital

Important: Significant travel delays in Oakland. We advise allowing an additional 45 minutes for traveling to an appointment in the area.

For emergencies, patient appointments, or general information, call 412-624-1000 or toll-free 1-877-624-4100.

Crisis support services for residents in Allegheny County, call resolve Crisis Services.

resolve Crisis Services
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For a full list of accommodations near UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital click here.

Directions to UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital and Parking Information

Oakland Parking Garages

Parking and Security Information for UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital

Visiting Hours: Vary for each unit

  • For all visitors: Monday through Friday before 5 p.m., please use the O’Hara Street garage next to UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital or parking at Presbyterian hospital. After 5 p.m., please park in the Western Psychiatric J-lot. Please pull into the first level and use the intercom for entry.
  • For visitors with accessibility parking needs: Parking is available at the University of Pittsburgh PG lot, which is directly across from the O’Hara Street entrance to UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital. There are several parking spots to the left of the entrance of that lot that are designated accessible parking for UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital. The Western Psychiatric parking attendant will direct you to that location. Because the University of Pittsburgh Police enforce the rules of this lot, please park in the Western Psychiatric-designated spaces only.
  • For drop off and pick up: There is a curb lane, designated by a sign, on both O’Hara and Desoto streets.

If you have questions about parking, you can reach a parking attendant at 412-246-6312 or 412-586-9742.

Safety and Security at UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital

  • When entering via the Desoto street entrance, you will be greeted by a Safety Officer at the screening area.
  • Research participants, nursing students, outpatients, and business visitors may take their personal items with them after the screening search is completed.
  • If you are visiting an inpatient unit, going to the Diagnostic Evaluation Center (DEC), or attending a hearing, you will need to leave your personal items in the belongings room. You will receive a claim ticket to make sure your personal items are returned to you after your visit. You will need to show some form of identification when picking up your personal items.
  • Please place all bags on the x-ray belt, as directed by the Safety Officer. You will need to remove all objects in your pockets and place them on the x-ray belt. You will need to pull out your pockets, as well. Hats and coats must be removed for the search. While your items are being scanned, a Safety Officer will ask you to walk through the metal detector.
  • After your personal items have been approved in the screening area, the officer will direct you to the receptionist. Please be ready to show some form of identification. The receptionist will provide you with a temporary ID and directions to your destination.
  • To identify an employee, look for a photo ID badge. All staff wear a badge that includes their name and department.
  • If you have questions or concerns about our safety process while visiting at UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital, call the Safety Director or Manager at 412-586-9742.
  • If you want an escort to the parking lot, please call 412-246-9742.
  • Turn in or retrieve lost and found articles at the cashier’s office on the first floor or call 412-246-5051.

General Safety Tips

  • Be aware of your environment.
  • Avoid alleys and unfamiliar side streets.
  • Carry only items you need for your visit.
  • Park in well-lit areas.
  • Lock valuables in the trunk or leave them at home.

View a flier on Parking and Security at UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital (PDF).