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Significant travel delays in Oakland. We advise allowing an additional 45 minutes for traveling to an appointment in the area.

Student Assistance Professionals (SAP)

What Is SAP?

The Pennsylvania Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a collaborative effort that eliminates barriers to learning by effectively mobilizing school resources and support systems. SAP identifies and addresses academic, social, attendance, substance use, mental health, and other concerns that hinder student success. The primary goal of SAP is to help students overcome these barriers so they can achieve, advance, and remain in school.

The Pennsylvania Network for Student Assistance Services (PNSAS) collaborates with the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and many drug and alcohol programs. This network provides leadership in developing a safe, drug-free environment and promoting mental health wellness in schools and communities across the Commonwealth.

For more information about SAP, visit the Pennsylvania Network for SAP Services website.

Who Are We?

Addiction Medicine Services is a PNSAS-approved training provider that prepares participants to work cohesively on their school SAP team.

SAP teams consist of faculty, staff, and behavioral health agency liaisons who receive state-of-the-art training in the four phases of the SAP process.

The Prevention Team of Addiction Medicine Services at UPMC Western Behavioral Health has provided evidence-based professional development to educators and behavioral health professionals for more than 30 years. We help schools build sustainable systems to address learning barriers.

We currently offer workshops open to teachers, nurses, school administrators, SAP liaisons, clinical staff, school resource officers, and probation officers. Learn more about each course below.

If you have questions about any of our training courses, please call 412-246-5069.