At UPMC Western Maryland Sleep Center, we provide diagnostic services and treatment for a variety of sleep disorders. To schedule a sleep study, you should speak with your primary care provider or contact us for more information.
Contact Us
Call 240-964-2800 for more information about sleep medicine services.
- Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
About Sleep Disorders
Almost one-third of Americans have a sleep disorder, which can make both sleeping and waking hours miserable. If you’re experiencing disrupted sleep and you’re having difficulty functioning in the daytime, you may be unaware of a sleeping problem.
Common disorders
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea: This is caused by a temporary collapse of the airway. Loud snoring, with snorting or gasping, is a characteristic, as well as daytime sleepiness.
- Central Sleep Apnea: This occurs when the brain fails to send a message to the diaphragm and other breathing muscles to initiate breathing during sleep. This can lead to disrupted sleep and daytime sleepiness.
- Narcolepsy: This is a disorder associated with periods of extreme sleepiness, often beginning in young adulthood. A person with narcolepsy falls asleep regardless of the activity around him and may also have brief episodes of partial or total paralysis.
- Nocturnal Myoclonus: This is a disorder involving frequent leg movements and leg jerks during sleep, which disturb the sleep pattern and may even awaken the individual.
- Insomnia: Difficulty initiating sleep or sustaining sleep are characteristics of insomnia resulting from a variety of disorders. Insomnia can be caused by psychological or physical problems.
Diagnosing the Problem
Our Sleep Disorders Clinic provides comprehensive evaluations and management for you if you have suspected or documented obstructive sleep apnea, as well as other sleep-related issues. An initial comprehensive sleep evaluation is performed with the goal of expediting polysomnography and providing the best possible treatment recommendations and follow-up. We offer both laboratory polysomnography and home portable polysomnography with a state-of-the-art system for suitable patients. Treatment options are reviewed and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)–a device worn over the nose keeping the airway open throughout the night–is prescribed for appropriate patients.
Diagnostic procedures include
- Diagnostic polysomnography*
- Polysomnography* with CPAP titration
- Multiple sleep latency tests: This is performed during the day following overnight polysomnography. This study evaluates your suspected narcolepsy and suspected idiopathic hypersomnia.
- Maintenance of wakefulness test: Assesses your ability to remain awake when your inability to remain awake constitutes a public or personal safety issue. It also assesses the response to treatment if you have a disorder of excessive sleepiness.
- Daytime positive airway pressure desensitization: Helps if you have difficulty adapting to positive airway pressure by allowing you to try various types of mask and pressure settings.
*Polysomnogram assists in identifying obstructive and central sleep apnea syndrome, nocturnal hypoventilation, periodic limb movement disorder, documentation of sleep quality and quantity in patients being evaluated for possible neurologically mediated hypersomnia.
Treating a Sleep Disorder
Our staff includes two physicians with sleep disorders training. They can assess you for obstructive sleep apnea, as well as the full range of sleep disorders. Additionally, a nurse practitioner and two polysomnography technologists with years of experience fitting patients for CPAP and troubleshooting medical equipment problems are on staff. They work collaboratively and coordinate care with the suppliers in our area. The success of CPAP as a treatment modality is dependent on your initial experience adapting to the device, so the clinic staff provides frequent follow-up by phone, as well as in the office, to promptly deal with any issues that arise.
Insurance Coverage
Since sleep disorders are recognized as medical problems so many insurance carriers cover the cost of diagnoses and treatment. You should check with your insurance carrier to determine your degree of coverage. We will also assist you with filing your insurance claims.
Arriving for Treatment
If you’re scheduled for an overnight study, arrive at the sleep center at approximately 8:30 or 9:30 pm. You will then be encouraged to proceed with your normal bedtime routine including watching TV or reading.
Throughout the night, the technicians will remotely collect and monitor data pertaining to your sleep pattern.