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Significant travel delays in Oakland. Please plan accordingly and allow yourself extra time for traveling to an appointment in the area.

For UPMC Presbyterian Patients

At UPMC Presbyterian, we know providing the highest level of care takes more than state-of-the-art clinical services and technology.

Every member of our staff is committed to making your stay comfortable. We want you to feel at home and will do our best to make this a positive time for you and your family.

What to Expect During Your Stay or Same-Day Surgery

The following will guide you through your stay or same-day surgery at UPMC Presbyterian:

Patient Status

Hospital patients will be assigned a status based on the level of care needed. For more information about your status, please read our Patient Status Frequently Asked Questions.

Patient forms

You may need to complete paperwork prior to your stay at UPMC Presbyterian.

Find common patient forms in UPMC's general patient resources section.

More for UPMC Presbyterian Patients

Thank A Nurse

Want to say thank you to your nurse? The DAISY (Diseases Attacking the Immune System) Award is an international recognition program that honors and celebrates the skillful, compassionate care nurses provide every day.

Nominate a deserving nurse.