Since 1938, the General Surgery Residency Program has long been known for providing a hospitable and nurturing environment, and camaraderie between the residents and attending staff. Residents in our program must work well with each other and are expected to contribute at conferences.
The Department of General Surgery’s goal is to provide an outstanding educational experience for our surgical residents. Surgical volume has always been excellent. Our chief residents case volume last year averaged 1,216 cases. The variety of cases also is excellent. We offer a strong core experience in both ambulatory and inpatient surgery. Our busy thoracic service, burn unit, gastrointestinal, vascular, and colorectal experiences, along with designation as a Level I Trauma Center ensure a diverse case mix. UPMC Mercy has several operating rooms designed for advanced endovascular surgery, a state-of-the-art endoscopy and robotic simulator, and on-campus facilities for resident training in endoscopy, microvascular surgery, and laparoscopy.
During our last review our program received a 5-year accreditation with commendation. All subsequent reviews will be under the guise of the Next Accreditation System.
Annual Residency Program Photo 2023-2024