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Sports Medicine Fellowship at UPMC in Central Pa.

The sports medicine fellowship program at UPMC in central Pa. offers a community based sports medicine experience in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. We offer one fellowship position each year and accept residents from ACGME accredited family medicine, internal medicine, and emergency medicine residencies. The program received initial accreditation by the ACGME in 2018.

Application Information

  • A 12-month fellowship is offered for one position through the ERAS (Electronic Residency Application Service).
  • Applications are accepted from July 1 through September 1 each year.
  • Virtual interviews will be offered mid-September through late November on Wednesday afternoons this year.
  • UPMC Benefit Highlights (PDF)


The UPMC in central Pa. sports medicine fellowship offers a hybrid longitudinal/block curriculum. The longitudinal portion of the curriculum includes sports medicine, orthopaedics, and a role as team physician at a local high school. Block rotations are described below.

Clinical Experiences

The longitudinal experience includes spending time each week with our sports medicine and orthopaedic attending physicians as well as providing Millersville University training room and football sideline coverage. This allows our fellow to participate in a comprehensive treatment plan including initial evaluation, follow-up visits, and return to play. A half day per week is dedicated to the fellow’s primary specialty as well as a half day dedicated to research.

Within the longitudinal experience, block rotations include concussion rehabilitation with occupational therapy, orthopaedic rehabilitation with physical therapy, sports psychology, sports nutrition, podiatry, pediatric cardiology, and musculoskeletal radiology.


The AMSSM musculoskeletal ultrasound curriculum is presented one on one by the fellowship director.

Starting in August 2020, we will be participating in the weekly AMSSM virtual lectures that were developed to optimize education in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We will also take advantage of the opportunities available through the UPMC in central Pa. orthopaedic surgery residency program by participating in select lectures which are most directly applicable to sports medicine.

The sports medicine faculty also provide lectures to supplement the curriculum.

Clinical Settings/Locations

UPMC Community Osteopathic

The east shore sports medicine office is located in UPMC Outpatient Services (formerly known as Bloom Outpatient Center) on the campus of UPMC Community Osteopathic in Harrisburg, Pa. Along with office evaluations, there is a dedicated procedure room with ultrasound capabilities for diagnostic and guided injections including corticosteroid and PRP.

UPMC Community Osteopathic Campus
4300 Londonderry Road
Harrisburg, PA 17109

UPMC  West Shore

This west shore sports medicine office is located at  UPMC Outpatient Services at Fredricksen Pavilion on the campus of UPMC West Shore. The office offers ample rooms for evaluation as well as a dedicated procedure room for ultrasound-guided injections as well as diagnostics. PRP is also available at this location. Percutaneous tenotomy using Tenex Health is available in the procedure suite on the same campus.

UPMC West Shore Campus
1995 Technology Parkway
Mechanicsburg, PA 17050

Millersville University

Millersville University is part of the Pennsylvania state university system. The Millersville Marauders athletic teams include 19 intercollegiate varsity sports which compete in the NCAA Division II Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference. Teams include football, wrestling, basketball, and soccer, and women’s soccer, lacrosse, volleyball, and field hockey. Fellows provide sideline coverage for football and wrestling. There is also opportunity for event coverage for NCAA tournaments. Fellows work with the team physician John Murphy, DO, providing event coverage and weekly training room.

Contact Information

Amy Hench
Residency Coordinator
P: 717-657-7458
F: 717-484-5486

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