Dr. Kristine Wilckens PhD is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and sleep researcher. She has a K01 Career Development Award from the NIH. It concerns Slow Wave Sleep and Executive Network Function in older adults. This Podcast reviews the stages of sleep focusing upon slow wave sleep, the deepest most restorative sleep pattern and its effect upon cognition, in essence brain health. Sleep moderates the relationship between amyloid beta and memory recall.
Released: 11/16/2020
Wilckens, K.A., Ferrarelli, F., Walker, M.P., Buysse, D.J. Slow-wave sleep enhancement to improve cognition. Trends in Neurosciences. 2018; 41(7), 470-482.
Wilckens, K.A., Tudorascu, D.L., Snitz, B.E., Price, J.C., Aizenstein H.J., Lopez, O.L., Erickson, K.I., Lopresti, B.J., Laymon, C.M., Minhas, D., Mathis, C.A., Buysse, D.J., Klunk, W.E., Cohen, A.D. Sleep efficiency moderates the relationship between beta amyloid and memory retention in older adults. Neurobiology of Aging. 2018. 71, 142-148.