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As of Wednesday, Feb. 12, it is recommended that patients, visitors, and staff wear a mask when entering UPMC clinical buildings.

Information for UPMC Jameson Patients

At UPMC Jameson we know a hospital stay can be stressful, whether it is planned or unexpected. While you can expect quality care, state-of-the-art technology, and clinical expertise, our goal is to make your stay as comfortable as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns during your stay, please call Patient Relations by dialing 0 from your bedside phone.

What to Expect During Your Stay or Same-day Surgery at UPMC Jameson

UPMC Jameson patient status

We assign hospital patients a status based on the level of care they need. To learn more about your status, see our UPMC Patient Status FAQ.

Complete patient forms before your stay

You may need to fill out some forms before your stay with us at UPMC Jameson. Find common UPMC patient forms in our patient resources section.

Patient privacy, dignity, and ethics

UPMC Jameson respects our patients' rights to dignity and privacy. We will make every effort to ensure you are comfortable with your care. If you are facing a medical decision and would like to talk to someone other than your health care providers, family members, or clergy, our patient advocate is available to help. To speak to the patient advocate, call 724-658-9001 and ask the operator to connect you.

Learn more about UPMC’s Patients Bill of Rights in the main patient resources section.

More Resources for UPMC Jameson Patients

Send an eCard

Bring cheer to someone’s stay. Send a free, personalized, hand-delivered card to your loved one.

Send Now

Thank A Nurse

Want to say thank you to your nurse? The DAISY (Diseases Attacking the Immune System) Award is an international recognition program that honors and celebrates the skillful, compassionate care nurses provide every day.

Nominate a deserving nurse.