UPMC Altoona provides free phone and TV services in patient rooms.
Phones are available in all rooms — except for critical care — to make and receive calls. Relatives and friends may call you directly by dialing the seven-digit number on your telephone. Incoming calls cannot be received between 10 p.m. and 7:30 a.m.
To make a local call, dial 9 + the seven-digit number.
All long-distance calls must be made collect or charged to a credit card or your home phone. Patient room numbers may not be used for billing. If you have any problems or questions, dial “0” and the hospital operator will assist you. (Note: Phone charges cannot be added to your hospital bill.)
Cell Phones/Wireless Devices
Please read and follow all posted signs in the hospital regarding restrictions on the use of cell phones, wireless computers, and other wireless devices that transmit radio signals.
Restrictions may exist in hospital areas such as operating rooms, critical care rooms, and radiology imaging rooms.
Do not use cell phones or any wireless devices within six feet of medical equipment in patient care areas.