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Current Residents of the Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Residency Program at UPMC in Central Pa.

Sara Roman, DPM

Sara Roman, DPM

Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine
Philadelphia, PA

Isaiah Tates, DPM

Isaiah Tates, DPM             

Arizona Podiatric Medicine Program at Midwestern University. Glendale, AZ

Post-Graduation Year Two

Ravneet Gill, DPM

Ravneet Gill, DPM               

New York College of Podiatric Medicine, New York, NY

Antonio Sierra, DPM

Antonio Sierra, DPM                      

Kent State University, Independence, OH

Post-Graduate Year One

Image of Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn Fox, DPM

Kent State University
Independence, OH

Image of Lauren.

Lauren Adkins-Pringle, DPM

Kent State University
Independence, OH

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