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Interventional Pulmonology at UPMC

At UPMC, we provide specialized interventional pulmonology services to patients with various respiratory conditions. 

Interventional pulmonology experts focus on using minimally invasive, endoscopic procedures to diagnose and treat lung and windpipe problems. 

Conditions We Treat

The Interventional Pulmonology program provides specialized care for lung conditions, including:

  • Lung nodules.
  • Lung cancer.
  • Emphysema.
  • Chronic bronchitis.
  • Pleural effusions, or fluid around the lungs.
  • Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis.
  • Pneumothorax, or air around and outside the lungs.
  • Central airway obstruction.
  • Airway stenosis, or narrowing of the airway.

Interventional Pulmonology Procedures

Our experts use various bronchoscopic techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of lung conditions. 

During a bronchoscopy, providers insert a thin tube through the nose or mouth and enter into the lungs and airways. This provides your care team with a better view of your lungs, which can be used for diagnosis, biopsy, and treatment. 

Procedures we offer include: 

  • Linear and Radial Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS). This is a bronchoscopic technique that uses an ultrasound to evaluate lung nodules and lymph nodes and diagnose lung cancer.  
  • Robotic-assisted bronchoscopy. During this procedure, robotic technology is used to insert a bronchoscope into the patient’s lungs and to help diagnose lung cancer at its earliest stages. This procedure is beneficial for patients who may have nodules deep in the lung that are hard to reach. The robot’s arms can make tiny, precise movements that cannot be made using traditional methods.
  • Therapeutic bronchoscopy. Bronchoscopic techniques can be used for therapeutic purposes to help improve your symptoms. There are various therapeutic bronchoscopic interventions including: 
    • Endoscopic laser: This method treats airway bleeding and can remove tissue or airway cancers.
    • Argon Plasma Coagulation (APC): This procedure uses ignited gas to create a plasma beam to treat tumors or bleeding in the airways.
    • Balloon dilation and airway stenting: In this method, a balloon is passed through a bronchoscope to expand narrowed airways. Stents can also be deployed to keep airways open and improve breathing.
    • Tumor resection: A bronchoscope and surgical tools are used to remove tumors from the airway.
    • Placement of fiducials: This is an advanced bronchoscopic technique used to locate and mark cancer lesions by placing fiducial seeds, or metal markers. The metal markers minimize the amount of tissue removed during surgery and radiation treatments.
  • Endobronchial valve placement. During this minimally invasive procedure, one-way valves are placed in areas of the lung that are damaged by emphysema. This valve reduces the size of the lung and shunts air to healthier tissue, allowing patients with COPD to breathe better. This procedure can also be used to manage persistent air leaks.
  • Treatment of pleural effusions. We offer various procedures to treat pleural effusions, which is a collection of fluid around the lungs, including: thoracentesis, chest tube placement, and tunneled pleural catheter placement.
  • Whole lung lavage. This procedure treats pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, a condition in which the air sacs of the lungs become filled with protein and fatty material, impairing the patient’s breathing. During whole lung lavage, the patient’s lungs are washed with saline repeatedly to improve breathing.

Why Choose UPMC for Interventional Pulmonology Care?

Our interventional pulmonology team at UPMC is committed to providing high-quality, personalized care to each patient. When you choose UPMC, you have access to:

  • A multidisciplinary team of experts collaborating across specialty centers, including the Center for COPD and Emphysema, Asthma Institute, and Simmons Center for Interstitial Lung Disease.
  • Close collaboration with our thoracic and ENT surgical colleagues who provide state of the art, minimally invasive surgical interventions and leading cancer care at the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center. 
  • Advanced technology and innovation to treat thoracic disease, including robotic-assisted surgery and groundbreaking clinical trials.

Meet Our Experts

Schedule an Appointment 

To schedule an appointment with a pulmonary specialist near you, call 412-648-6161.