The physical therapist will send you some forms to complete prior to your first visit. These forms help shorten the questions therapists will ask you and will serve as a systematic way to make sure they do not forget to ask you important questions.
You should expect to spend one hour with the physical therapist for your first visit.
The physical therapist will ask you questions about:
- How your problem interferes with your life (work, home, leisure, and social activities).
- Certain triggers that make you feel worse and what helps you feel better.
- Any other things from your completed forms to better appreciate and understand your problems.
If you brought results to past balance tests, the physical therapist will review the findings and explain them to you again. The balance test results can help the therapist determine how well you might recover from your balance disorder.
The physical therapist also will ask you the following:
- Have you fallen? If so, did you get hurt or have to see a doctor?
- Do you have weak bones?
- Do you have dizziness when you are not moving?
- Do you hear noises in your ear(s)?
- Do you ever experience any fullness in your ears?
- What is the best and worst your dizziness has been within the last 24 hours?
- Do you “spin” or feel “lightheaded” or “dizzy”?
After learning about your problem, the physical therapist will perform the Dix-Hallpike maneuver — a test to determine if you have any loose calcium carbonate crystals in your ear — and other painless procedures to test:
- Coordination
- Strength and motion
- Eye muscle movement
- Walking and standing balance
- The feeling sensation in your feet