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Free Educational Sessions on Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids

Understanding hearing loss can be complicated for both the person experiencing hearing loss and their families. In addition, researching and purchasing hearing aids can be time consuming and expensive.

The UPMC Center for Audiology and Hearing Aids offers free training programs and educational sessions for the public on various topics.

Contact the Center for Audiology and Hearing Aids

For testing or to make an appointment, please call

View our list of Audiology Center locations.

Training Program for New Hearing Aid Users

The center invites new hearing aid users and their family members to participate in a three-week training program (one hour per week). The program will assist you in adjusting to amplification and getting the most benefit from your hearing aid.

To sign up for the three-week hearing aid course, call the Center for Audiology and Hearing Aids at 412-647-2030.

Educational Session Topics

Each free educational session consists of three hour-long classes. Participants may attend as many classes as they wish, but must register.

To register or learn more, contact the UPMC Center for Audiology and Hearing Aids at 412-647-2030.

Understanding your hearing loss

This class will teach participants how hearing loss can impact their lives.

We will cover the following topics:

  • The anatomy of the ear and how we hear
  • Understanding hearing tests
  • Types of hearing loss
  • Understanding hearing loss
  • Communication difficulties associated with hearing loss

Families and friends of those suffering from hearing loss are also welcome to attend.

Understanding hearing aid technology

In this class, participants learn about the different styles and technologies used in hearing aids, as well as where to seek qualified professionals to assist in this process.

Telephone options and other assistive technology

This class focuses on telephone use with hearing aids and cellular phones, as well as additional alerting and communication devices available to people with hearing loss.

Registration for the above educational sessions is free but required. Call the center at 412-647-2030 to register or find out more.