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Making Minds Matter at UPMC Western Behavioral Health

Donate to Making Minds Matter at the UPMC Western Behavioral Health Foundation

The Making Minds Matter fund at UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital and UPMC Western Behavioral Health began in 2019.

A donor who wanted to support patient experiences and staff education made a generous gift. Since then, the fund has taken hold.

Making Minds Matter now has many campaigns to raise funds in support of patients and staff.

Thanks to the success of these efforts, the UPMC Western Behavioral Health Foundation was established in 2023 to increase awareness of mental health initiatives, reduce the stigma associated with mental health, solicit donations to improve the patient experience, educate the public and providers, and help advance public policy.

How to Donate

United Way Gifts

Making Minds Matter is a United Way agency. To donate, use contributor code 18208819 - UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital/Making Minds Matter Fund.

Visit the United Way website to learn more about directing gifts.

United Way Logo 

About your donation

As a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, UPMC Western Behavioral Health Foundation gratefully accepts donations from families, friends, and community partners. Your gifts support successful outcomes for our patients and staff when and where they're most needed.

All gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Call the Pennsylvania Department of State at 1-800-732-0999 for official registration and financial information. Registration does not imply endorsement.


Give of your time to help with committees, events, or other tasks as needed. Learn more by visiting our site and selecting “Volunteer” under “Ways to Help.”


The Suicide Prevention Awareness merchandise sale is underway for 2025, featuring a new design on a long-sleeve white t-shirt, a short-sleeve black t-shirt, a ballcap, a planter with dirt and Forget-Me-Not seeds, a purple tie-dye t-shirt, and a black crewneck sweatshirt.

Order here.

Items will deliver prior to Suicide Prevention Awareness Month in September.

Thanks to all who support this initiative, which continues to raise awareness, broker important conversations, and provide needed funds to enhance patient experiences.

Community Fundraising Events

Individuals and families throughout our region affected by mental health challenges are connecting with our foundation to organize efforts and host events, large and small, within their communities in support of the Making Minds Matter Fund.

Interested? Connect with us.

17th Annual Celebrating Champions Dinner and Auction

Join us on Thursday, October 16, 2025, for a night of celebration and inspiration at The Westin, Pittsburgh. The Celebrating Champions Dinner and Auction is an annual event co-hosted by UPMC Senior Services and UPMC Western Behavioral Health to honor the remarkable achievements of individuals and organizations in building better communities.

Learn more about Celebrating Champions here or contact Debbie Panei, director of development, UPMC Senior Services, at 412-864-3524 or


Proceeds from Celebrating Champions will be shared between the UPMC Senior Communities Benevolent Care program, in support of senior residents who have outlived their financial resources, and the Making Minds Matter Fund at UPMC Western Behavioral Health, which provides for enhanced patient and family experiences for those navigating mental health challenges.

Since 2009, the event has raised more than $2.9 million to further charitable care.

Support a Making Minds Matter at UPMC Western Behavioral Health Campaign

Making Minds Matter fundraising campaigns provide many ways to direct your support. Choose the one that best fits your interests.

“Marianne Cornetti and Friends” Benefit Concert and Art Auction

This unforgettable event returns to the Carnegie Music Hall in Oakland on Sunday, June 8, 2025 at 3 p.m. Join us for an afternoon of Broadway selections with internationally acclaimed mezzo soprano Marianne Cornetti, featured guest performer, actor, singer, and musician, Joe Serafini ("Seb" from Disney+ hit, "High School Musical: The Musical"), and other featured guest artists.

Additionally, UPMC Western peers who use music as part of their recovery, peer specialists, and members of the Creative and Expressive Arts Therapies team will perform.

Browse through an art auction featuring pieces of well-known artists and UPMC Western peers. Art auction chair and artist Maria DeSimone Prascak will complete a live painting on stage that will be included in the art auction.

Learn more about the concert and art auction.

Groceries, Gas, or Cash!

The 2025 “Groceries, Gas, or Cash!" raffle will kick off in July. The drawing will be on Friday, January 23, 2026 at 2 p.m.

The raffle will sell a total of 700 tickets at $100 each. The prize options include a choice of $17,000 in Giant Eagle Gift Cards or $14,000 in cash. To reserve your 2025 ticket, email

Learn more about Groceries, Gas, or Cash!

Holidays from the Heart gift campaign

"Holidays from the Heart" will provide gifts for all inpatients at UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital and our residential centers. The gift campaign includes children and seniors.

  • Gift Drive Donations — January through December 2025
  • Gifts Presentation and Performance — Friday, December 12, 2025, at 2 p.m.

Our supporters have allowed us to make the holidays brighter for more than 400 patients in both the hospital and community residential settings.

Holidays from the Heart Donation form (PDF).

Learn more about Holidays from the Heart

The Lorraine Williams Peer Scholarship

This scholarship is in memory of a cherished Comprehensive Recovery Services (CRS) staff person at UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital, Lorraine Williams.

The Lorraine Williams Peer Scholarship supports CRS patients with mental health needs who are going to school or pursuing vocational training. This training can be either to get a job or advance their career.

As Lorraine modeled herself, recipients also serve as role models for others with mental health needs.

  • Nominate a CRS Patient — January through August 2025.
  • Scholarship Selection and Presentation — September through November 2025.
Learn more about the Lorraine Williams Scholarship

Making Minds Matter Magazine

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, one in every five Americans experiences mental illness.

We hope the Making Minds Matter at UPMC Western Behavioral Health magazine will help reduce stigma and expand community engagement.

Read our latest issue.