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​Neurology Residency Program at UPMC Hamot

This ACGME accredited residency program offers a well-rounded neurological education with experience in a variety of subspecialities. Residents who choose UPMC Hamot for their residency are exposed to a wide variety of pathologies and patients. Our patients come from both urban and rural settings. They each have their own unique pathologies and socioeconomic dynamics. The clinical experience provides access to inpatient and outpatient care for patients of all ages. The residents have elective rotations from which they can choose a variety of subspecialities to help supplement their training. These rotations include neurology inpatient service, neurology outpatient continuity of care clinic, movement disorders (with experience in botulinum toxin injections, deep brain stimulation), epilepsy (with EEG interpretation training, vagal nerve stimulator, and an epilepsy monitoring unit), nerve conduction studies and EMG training, multiple sclerosis, sleep medicine, neurorehabilitation, neuro intervention, neuroradiology, neurosurgery, neuro intensive care, and neuromuscular medicine (including an ALS clinic and a muscular dystrophy clinic).

The intern is gradually introduced into the process of becoming a neurology resident through a shadowing program with senior residents throughout the year. This allows the intern a seamless transition into their second year.

The residents are taught pertinent procedures throughout their training. The residents will have an opportunity to be very comfortable performing lumbar punctures, administering botulinum toxin injections, interpreting carotid and intracranial Doppler testing, vagal nerve stimulator adjustments and deep brain stimulator adjustments. The residents will learn the business side of medicine through exposure to office management, coding and billing concepts.

UPMC Hamot is the only comprehensive stroke center in the city and region. UPMC Hamot draws from a population base of close to 1 million patients. The residents become very familiar with treating acute stroke patients administering TNK or determining if they need neuro intervention for clot removal. UPMC Hamot has a new state-of-the-art 64 bed intensive care unit where a dedicated neuro intensive care unit is available for the neurological patients with a fellowship trained neuro intensivist.

There is dedicated time in the schedule for residents to work on research projects. There is a full-time research director who is eager to assist the residents in completing any type of research project. We also have the capability to collaborate with the larger UPMC system, as well as several local universities and medical schools.

Our residents are prepared to go either into general neurological practice or enter fellowship training at the completion of their residency.

The UPMC Hamot Neurology Residency Mission is to produce the highest quality, well-rounded, competent, compassionate, and respectful, general neurologist to serve the patients of today and tomorrow. UPMC Medical Education, the UPMC Hamot Board of Directors, the UPMC System, and UPMC Hamot Hospital Executive Leadership are committed to graduate medical education as our collective responsibility and mission. We are committed to providing the necessary financial support for administrative, educational, and clinical resources. including We maintain exceptional personnel to provide residents with an optimal environment to achieve and advance in their learning, and profession, and personal well-being. We work to provide the highest quality education possible in the art and science of medicine. We direct that our patients receive the most fiscally responsible care that is of unparalleled quality, delivered with empathy and safety. We endeavor to select and retain the most qualified applicants. Integral to our efforts in the continuing advancement of the profession of medicine is the mission of scholarship, research, evidence-based care, and continual clinical innovation. We foster and require an ethical atmosphere; one of professionalism and collegiality among our faculty, learners, and academic leadership.

The UPMC Hamot Neurology Residency Program aims to:

  • Deliver a well-rounded neurological education and produce neurologists with expertise in a variety of pathologies. 
  • Train residents to care for patients of all ages in both inpatient and outpatient settings. 
  • Educate residents through purposeful didactics, clinical experience, and meaningful research projects. 
  • Achieve resident proficiency in forms of neurological procedures and testing. 
  • Cultivate and support subspecialty interest amongst trainees in preparation for neurological fellowships. 
  • Attract quality candidates for the purpose of fortifying the program and its reputation. 
  • Recruit residents into the UPMC Hamot Neurology Division upon completion of the program.

Thank you for considering UPMC Hamot for your residency. If you have any questions that are not answered by this website please contact Autumn Geiger, or by calling 814-877-4178.

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