Budgeting for Baby and Beyond (Virtual)
In this free course we’ll break down how to build a budget, how to assess your options and give you tips on how to save money and prepare for their future.
Communication Through Music Series (Virtual)
Learn how to use music to both relax and stimulate your child's senses.
Home Safety: UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh’s Injury Prevention Program (Virtual)
At the end of this presentation, you’ll have the tools and knowledge you need to reduce common hazards and ensure a safer living space for everyone.
Infant Massage (Virtual)
Infant Massage can be a valuable “tool in the parenting toolbox”. We will learn the massage strokes and procedures to give your baby a full body massage, as well as some common ailments and issues that parents can use massage to help their babies with.
Lactation Support Group (Virtual)
Our support group welcomes anyone who is feeding their baby human milk, whether pregnant, breast/chest feeding, or exclusive pumping. Hear from our lactation consultant about evidence-based education and ask question about breastfeeding.
Mom and Baby Group (Virtual)
Having a baby is a life-changing experience that can seem overwhelming at times. This support group is all inclusive and encourages all mom's breastfeeding, pumping or bottle feeding to attend.
S.E.E.D.-A Group for New Fathers and Supporters (Virtual)
Sharing (to be heard); Encouragement, Education and Direction (SEED) gives new fathers and support people the resources they need to help the new mothers in their lives.
Skills for Motherhood (Virtual)
A safe and supportive space for pregnant and postpartum women.
Tips From a Pediatrician: Infant Feedings (Virtual)
Join us for a session discussing routine newborn breast and formula feeding as well as newborn jaundice.
Tips From a Pediatrician: What You Need to Know to Care for Your Baby
Join us to discuss the fundamentals of caring for your new baby.