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As of Wednesday, Feb. 12, it is recommended that patients, visitors, and staff wear a mask when entering UPMC clinical buildings.

Pain Management Patient Stories

If you're in pain, you are not alone. Our series of stories from UPMC Pain Management highlights people just like you who were able to overcome their pain.

These accounts describe the strength, grit, and hope that can emerge even in tough times.

Read about the journeys of people who have conquered the limits imposed by pain and regained control of their lives.

Gary Farr: Still Living an Active Lifestyle After Years of Chronic Back Pain 

Image of Gary Farr

For most of his 78 years, Gary Farr has played hard and worked hard — a lifestyle that left him with injuries and a deteriorating spine. Despite multiple surgeries over the course of decades, he still suffered debilitating pain and numbness in his back and legs. Determined to remain active and avoid more surgery, he turned to a pain management specialist at UPMC Cole.

Read Gary Farr's story

Meet Fran: Has Hope Instead of Constant Pain

Fran's pain was piercing and debilitating. Thanks to her integrative care plan that includes both pain and behavioral health, she feels empowered and equipped to stretch her limits.

For more than eight years, Fran lived with constant severe abdominal pain. And with that pain came depression.

Her treatment plan includes both pain and mental health care. Since she's learned how to manage her symptoms, she's back to doing the activities she loves.

Read Fran’s Story from UPMC HealthBeat

Meet Lori: Back Running After a Lower Back Injury

Running on a New Path - A Pain Medicine Patient Story

Lori is an avid endurance runner. But a fall and the pain it caused almost ended her running career.

Find out how UPMC Pain Management helped Lori.

Read Lori’s Story from UPMC HealthBeat