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As of Wednesday, Feb. 12, it is recommended that patients, visitors, and staff wear a mask when entering UPMC clinical buildings.

​Unwanted Hair

UPMC Content 3

Hair on a woman’s upper lip or chin can be embarrassing, and repeated shaving of the underarms or bikini line can be a nuisance. Depilatory creams and electrolysis are options but the results are only temporary and need to be repeated.

Laser hair removal, with the Apogee® or CoolGlide® lasers, uses heat to destroy the hair follicles and prevents hair from growing in the targeted areas. While several treatments are usually needed to remove all unwanted hair, the results are more permanent than other methods.

Apogee® is a registered trademark of Cynosure, Inc.
CoolGlide® is a registered trademark of Cutera, Inc.