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Telemedicine Patient Stories

Our team of telemedicine experts are represented in nearly every specialty service at UPMC. The team moved quickly to adapt technology and connect even more patients to care during the pandemic, providing over 1 million outpatient telemedicine visits from March through December 2020.

Here are a few stories about how telemedicine has had a positive impact in the lives of some of our patients.

Note: These patients' treatment and results may not be representative of all similar cases.

Meet Seth

For most of Seth's life, he had little trouble with intestinal health. But at the age of 25, something changed. With an inability to keep food down and the loss of about 80 pounds of body mass, his father knew he had to take action. After being referred to the UPMC Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery more than two hours away, learn how telemedicine played a crucial role in putting their minds at ease and getting Seth back in good health.

Read Seth's Full Story

Meet Jerry

When you have a serious rheumatic disease like psoriatic arthritis, early diagnosis and treatment are key to stopping the progression of debilitating and disabling joint damage. Unfortunately, by the time Jerry Zimmerman of Seneca, Pa., was diagnosed, years had passed without proper medical care. Then, mobility issues and gaps in his care aggravated his condition — until he finally saw UPMC rheumatologist Christine Peoples, MD, who was able to treat him via telemedicine.

Read Jerry's Full Story

Meet Tanya

Tanya Becker suspected something was very wrong. The busy residential community manager was experiencing headaches, felt disoriented, and couldn't concentrate. Thinking she might have an underlying condition, her doctor recommended she see an endocrinologist. She searched the internet to find a top Pittsburgh specialist and was delighted to learn she could see UPMC endocrinologist Esra Karslioglu-French, MD, without leaving her home in Bedford, Pa.

Read Tanya's Full Story