Phone: 412-367-1003
- BOTOX® injection for migraine
- Epilepsy clinic
- General neurology clinic
- Headache treatment
- Neuro hospitalist consult service
- Stroke telemedicine
Our Experts:
Phone: 412-647-3685 or 412-802-3350
- Brain tumors
- Complex spinal instrumentation and fusion surgery
- Concussion
- Image-guided surgery
- Minimally invasive spine surgery
- Spinal and disc disease surgery
- Spine tumors
- Stroke
- Trigeminal Neuralgia
Our Experts:
UPMC Spine Center
Phone: 724-720-4599
The vast majority of back and neck problems can be successfully resolved using nonsurgical therapies and rehabilitation. At the UPMC Spine Center, we bring the collaborative expertise of multiple health care professionals together in one convenient, full-service location to diagnose and treat your back and neck pain, spine disorders, or spine injuries.
Tri-State Neurosurgical Associates-UPMC
Phone: 877-635-5234
- Complex spinal instrumentation and fusion surgery
- Image-guided surgery
- Minimally invasive spine surgery
- Spinal and disc disease surgery
- Spine tumors
Our Experts: