Experts at the Magee-Womens Gynecologic Cancer Program are specially trained in the prevention, detection, and treatment of gynecologic cancers, and are committed to providing high-quality cancer care.
Madeleine Courtney-Brooks, MD
Director, Division of Gynecologic Oncology
Director, Magee-Womens Gynecologic Cancer Program
Gynecologic Oncology
The program includes a team of board-certified obstetricians/gynecologists with advanced training in women’s cancers and also includes knowledgeable advance practice providers to assist you through your diagnosis and treatment.
- Jessica L. Berger, MD
- Michelle M. Boisen, MD
- Ronald Buckanovich, MD
- Kayla Bylinowski, PA-C
- John T. Comerci, MD
- Lan Coffman, MD, PhD
- Madeleine Courtney-Brooks, MD
- Robert Edwards, MD
- Julie Freehling, CRNP
- Alison Garrett, MD
- Jamie L. Lesnock, MD
- Karen Lyle, PA-C
- Haider S. Mahdi, MD
- Chelsea Minsinger, PA-C
- Krista Moss, PA-C
- Michelle Novack, PA-C
- Alexander Olawaiye, MD
- Leiren Pantages, PA-C
- Joanne M. Redondo, CRNP
- Katherine Steinmetz, PA-C
- Paniti Sukumvanich, MD
- Sarah E. Taylor, MD
Radiation Oncology
The program includes a team of board-certified radiation oncologists specializing in state-of-the-art radiation therapy, and also includes knowledgeable advance practice providers to assist you through your diagnosis and treatment.
Cancer Genetics
- Christina Bittner, MS, CGC
- Melissa Bourdius, MS, CGC
- Shenin Dettwyler, MS, CGC
- Rachelle Huziak, MS, CGC
- Phuong Mai, MD, MS
- Darcy Thull, MS, CGC
Palliative Care Specialists
Ovarian Cancer Risk Assessment and Prevention Program