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As of Wednesday, Feb. 12, it is recommended that patients, visitors, and staff wear a mask when entering UPMC clinical buildings.

UPMC Altoona Sleep Center

If you frequently have trouble sleeping or wake up feeling tired, the UPMC Altoona Sleep Center can help. We’ll design a custom plan to not only help you sleep but to improve your health and well-being, also.

Sleep disorders can affect all aspects of your life, including your:

  • Relationships
  • Job
  • Health
  • Safety

But they don't have to.

Contact the UPMC Altoona Sleep Center

For more information about our sleep services or if you or your doctor think you may need a sleep study, call 814-889-4466.

Common Sleep Disorders

There are more than 80 types of sleep disorders. Left untreated, they can affect your heart and lungs, and can even cause a stroke.

If you already have a health problem, a sleep disorder could make it worse.

Some of the most common sleep disorders we treat include:

Why Choose UPMC Altoona Sleep Center?

  • Our complete approach to treatment is what sets our sleep center apart. We've found that treatment is more successful when patients return to us for follow-up care rather than to a family doctor.
  • We’ve built our program on the knowledge of experts who know sleep disorders inside and out.
  • As a member of the Pennsylvania Sleep Society, our program's reach extends beyond our clinic.
  • Throughout the year, we attend health fairs and talk to community groups about the value of good, quality sleep. We also visit workplaces to speak to staff about sleep and workplace safety.

If you're an employer who'd like to learn more about our services, call us for more information. We can also come to your business to talk to staff about sleep and work safety.

Our Sleep Disorder Services

If you choose our team for your care, one of our doctors will assess you. If we decide you should have a sleep study, we’ll schedule one as soon as possible.

Some highlights of our sleep disorders program include:

  • Three board-certified sleep specialists.
  • Four registered technicians who perform sleep studies.
  • Six sleep labs (bedrooms) with private bathrooms and showers.
  • The chance to take part in at-home sleep studies, when your health insurance prefers or requires it.
  • Early discharge from the sleep lab to fit your schedule.

Sleep studies are conducted overnight in one of the Sleep Center’s six private rooms, where the latest digital equipment is used to monitor your breathing, eye movements, brain waves, and heart rate while you sleep. Sleep studies can be scheduled Sunday nights through Friday nights, we do not hold studies on Saturdays.

After your sleep study, one of our doctors will discuss your results with you. Your treatment will differ based on your diagnosis and needs.

For example, if you have sleep apnea, the doctor may prescribe a CPAP machine or MAD device, which is like a mouthguard. In some cases, our doctors will prescribe medicine.

We suggest surgery as a last resort to fewer than one percent of our patients.

Treatments at the UPMC Altoona Sleep Center

Our team of sleep doctors treats common sleep disorders, including:

About Our Center

Our center is located at UPMC Altoona.

Most new patients need a referral from their primary care doctor for insurance purposes.

Clinic and sleep study patients with appointments:

  • During the day, should enter through Door 45.
  • At night, should enter through Door 42.
  • We offer free parking in the lot on 9th Avenue next to our clinic.

Our hours

Monday through Thursday — 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
*Hours may vary on Mondays and Thursdays based on our doctors' schedules.

We do sleep studies from Sunday night to Friday night, starting at 9:00 p.m., but we can schedule sleep studies for shift workers during daytime hours if needed.