Effectively treating heart disease begins with screening and early detection. That's why our specialists offer the most advanced non-invasive cardiac tests and procedures, including echocardiography, nuclear cardiology, cardiac CT and vascular ultrasound.
Why choose UPMC in Central Pa. to diagnose your heart condition?
We offer the latest technology in fully accredited nuclear, echocardiography and vascular laboratories. We are accredited by the Intersocietal Commission on Accreditation of Echo Labs (ICAEL), the Intersocietal Commission on Accreditation of Vascular Labs (ICAVL) and the Intersocietal Commission on Accreditation of Nuclear Labs (IAC).
In addition, if you are diagnosed with a cardiovascular condition that requires treatment, the specialists at UPMC in Central Pa. can provide the care you need. We offer a full range of advanced cardiovascular procedures and the latest treatment options.
Screenings, Procedures and Services
We offer advanced cardiac imaging with both cardiovascular MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and the Toshiba Aquilion ONE CT scanner, which is the world’s first dynamic volume CT.
We also perform echocardiography procedures, which evaluate the electrical system of the heart and how the heart functions when under stress, and vascular studies to assess blood flow in the arteries and veins. Learn more about our screening tests and procedures.
Need more information?
Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Practices
Cumberland/Dauphin/Franklin/Perry Counties: 717-731-0101
Pediatric : 717-761-0200
Hanover: 717-637-1738
York: 717-849-5576
Lancaster/Lititz: 717-299-5000
Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery: 717-231-8555
Request Information
Find a UPMC HVI Provider.
UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute
Located at UPMC Outpatient Center
1251 East Main Street
Suite 3
Annville, PA 17003
Adult Cardiology: 717-731-0101
Pediatric Cardiology: 717-761-0200
UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute
360 Alexander Spring Road
Carlisle, PA 17013
Adult Cardiology: 717-243-6557
Pediatric Cardiology: 717-761-0200
Fax: 717-243-0102
UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute
2020 Technology Parkway
Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
Adult Cardiology: 717-731-0101
Pediatric Cardiology: 717-761-0200
Fax: 717-731-8359
UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute
900 Century Drive
Suite 100
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Phone: 717-591-3660 or 800-248-0257
Fax: 717-591-3661
UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute
Located at Medical Professional Center of Newport
300 Bretz Court
Newport, PA 17074
Phone: 717-567-7246 or 800-248-0257
Fax: 717-567-2621
UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute
2808 Old Post Road
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Adult Cardiology: 717-920-4400
Pediatric Cardiology: 717-761-0200
Fax: 717-920-4401
UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute
12 Saint Paul Drive
Suite 205
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Adult Cardiology: 717-217-6881
Pediatric Cardiology: 717-761-0200
Fax: 717-217-6889
UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute
Located at Commerce Park Professional Center
20 Expedition Trail
Suite 203
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: 717-637-1738
Fax: 717-646-7430
UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute
Located at UPMC Outpatient Center
2201 Brunswick Drive
Hanover, PA 17331
Phone: 717-637-1738
Fax: 717-646-7430
UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute
16324 Mount Airy Road
Lower Level
Shrewsbury, PA 17361
Phone: 717-849-5576
Fax: 717-718-9972
UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute
1600 6th Avenue
Suite 105
York, PA 17403
Phone: 717-849-5576
Fax: 717-718-9972
UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute
Located at Outpatient Services at UPMC Memorial
1703 Innovation Drive
Suite 4120
York, PA 17408
Heart and Vascular: 717-849-5576
Fax: 717-718-9972
UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute
1555 Highlands Drive
Suite 100
Lititz, PA 17543
Phone: 717-299-5000
Fax: 717-431-1205
UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute (formerly Cardiac Consultants)
1697 Crown Avenue
Suite 100
Lancaster, PA 17601
Phone: 717-299-5000
Fax: 717-431-1205