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As of Wednesday, Feb. 12, it is recommended that patients, visitors, and staff wear a mask when entering UPMC clinical buildings.

Bill: Physical Therapy

A man with gray hair and a gray moustache stands in a room next to a wall of artwork while holding a ceramic vase.

After living with back pain for more than 30 years, Bill decided to deal with it once and for all. His primary care physician recommended outpatient rehabilitation and soon after, he became a patient.

Bill worked with physical therapist Scott Wozniak, who was quick to pinpoint and explain the reason for Bill’s back pain. 

“Scott is very knowledgeable and knew exactly what was wrong and how to to help,” Bill said. “His attitude and enthusiasm encouraged me to keep going!” 

Bill’s positive experience in therapy with Scott didn’t stop there. Earlier this year, he went back to physical therapy when he began experiencing neck pain.

“I recommend Scott to everyone. I will never seek physical therapy elsewhere,” Bill said. “We are so lucky to have such an up-to-date clinic and professional staff right here in Erie.”

Thanks to Scott, Bill's been able to get back to his pottery business, as well as cycling with his friends.

Read more stories from physical therapy patients.

Learn more about the Physical Therapy Program.