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Beckwith Center for Shared Decision Making at UPMC: For Health Care Providers

Why should I incorporate Shared Decision Making into my practice?

Incorporating shared decision-making (SDM) into your daily practice is important.

Evidence shows that SDM helps patients1:

  • feel more comfortable with their health care decisions.
  • better understand the care that they receive.
  • have greater confidence in their health care team.
  • are more likely to stick to their care plan and experience better health outcomes.

Additionally, SDM can improve provider satisfaction and may reduce burnout.2,3

It's the right thing to do for you and your patients.

If you are a patient looking for tools, click here.

1Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, The CAHPS Ambulatory Care Improvement Guide: Strategy 6I: Shared Decision Making, Rockville, MD (2017).
2Adler HM: The sociophysiology of caring in the doctor-patient relationship . J Gen Intern Med.
2002, 17:883–890. 10.1046/j.1525-1497.2002.10640.x
3Dobler, Claudia, et al, Can Shared Decision Making Improve Physician Well-Being and Reduce Burn-Out? Cureus (August 2017).