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As of Wednesday, Feb. 12, it is recommended that patients, visitors, and staff wear a mask when entering UPMC clinical buildings.

Organ Transplant Facts: Education, Resources, and Support​

Your transplant team at UPMC is committed to making your journey through the transplant process as smooth as possible.

A crucial part of this process is giving you and your loved ones what you need to understand this journey, in all its aspects.

Our team has assembled a binder for you and your caregiver to help you track your progress through the:

  • Transplant evaluation
  • Organ transplant wait list
  • Transplant surgery
  • Follow-up care after your transplant

During your time on the organ transplant waiting list, you may be eligible to attend classes at UPMC. These classes bring in members of the transplant team to give you details on nutrition, health, or social services.

We also provide online resources to:

  • Organ transplant facts
  • Transplant support resources
  • Other websites that may be helpful to you during this time

UPMC Transplant Patient Binder

Your UPMC Transplant Patient Binder will contain educational materials for your type of organ transplant, and may include the following:

  • A passport to your transplant explains the transplant evaluation process and helps you track your appointments and tests.
  • What to expect during transplant surgery describes risks and benefits, tests you will need, how to prepare for your transplant, and what to expect after your surgery.
  • An after transplant passport to care includes details about your post-transplant team, what follow-up care you'll need, and where.
  • Organ transplant frequently asked questions provides information about medications, blood pressure, swelling, infections, getting sick, finance, travel, and when to contact your transplant coordinator.

We also have these materials in languages other than English, for international transplant recipients.

Using MyUPMC to Manage Your Transplant Journey

UPMC offers a helpful online tool, MyUPMC.

This free and secure website can help you:

  • Track your transplant appointments and medications.
  • Communicate with your doctor.
  • See your lab results.
  • Renew your prescriptions.

Transplant Guardian Angels

Our transplant team uses a group at UPMC called Transplant Guardian Angels.

These Angels act as a resource to help you navigate the hospital and your transplant paperwork. They can also serve as liaisons between the transplant team and your family.

To learn more about this service:

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Online Transplant Resources

Whether or not you're staying near UPMC while waiting for your transplant, you may want to find other support resources online.

The following websites for transplant recipients and their caregivers provide organ transplant stats and facts, frequently asked questions, and how to find support groups.

  • Donate Life America: This not-for-profit alliance promotes increasing organ, eye, and tissue donation across the United States. Their website contains transplant recipients' stories, organ transplant facts, and any easy way to register to become a donor.
  • United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS): This organization facilitates all organ allocations within the United States. Their comprehensive website provides transplant cost and financial information, as well as a thorough listing of questions that transplant recipients need to ask.
  • TRIO (Transplant Recipients International Organization): This nonprofit international organization is committed to improving the quality of lives of transplant candidates, recipients, organ donors, and their families. Their website offers support, education, and other resources.
  • Partners for Life Facebook Forum: This Facebook group is for caregivers of transplant recipients. It's a place to privately share personal stories and hear about what other caregivers are feeling.