The neurosurgeons at UPMC Neurosurgery in Central Pa. perform advanced procedures to treat cranial disorders.
Why choose UPMC Neurosurgery in Central Pa. for treatment of cranial disorders?
Our experts use leading-edge technology and techniques to treat cranial disorders, including:
- State-of-the-art navigation system and microscope. Using an advanced navigation system and microscope, our surgeons can perform neurosurgery surgery with pinpoint accuracy. These tools provide a detailed, real-time view of the surgical area and help our surgeons identify specific parts of the brain, spine, and neurovascular system during surgery.
- Three-dimensional (3D) C-arm for intraoperative imaging. A 3D C-arm is a medical imaging device that uses x-ray technology to provide your surgeon with 3D images during surgery. This advanced imaging system helps to increase surgical precision, safety, and accuracy.
- Stereotactic Radiosurgery. Our specialists use stereotactic radiosurgery, which is a noninvasive procedure that delivers precise doses of radiation directly to the targeted area without damaging the surrounding, healthy tissue.
What are cranial disorders?
Cranial disorders occur inside your cranium, or skull. Our specialists diagnose and treat all types of cranial disorders, including:
- Chiari malformation. Chiari malformation occurs when your brain tissue extends into your spinal canal. It can be present at birth or occur in late childhood or adulthood.
- Glossopharyngeal neuralgia. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia is a condition that occurs when a blood vessel presses on your ninth cranial nerve and results in severe, shooting pain in your throat, tongue, ear, and tonsils.
- Hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus, which is sometimes called “water on the brain,” occurs when cerebrospinal fluid builds up inside your skull and puts pressure on your brain.
- Intracranial cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak. CSF serves as a cushion around the spine and brain. It is held in place by a sac-like membrane that surrounds your brain, called the dura. Tears in the dura can cause CSF to leak, which reduces the protection around your brain and raises your risk of developing a serious infection called meningitis.
- Trigeminal neuralgia. Trigeminal neuralgia is a condition that occurs when a blood vessel presses on your trigeminal nerve, which transmits sensations in your face to your brain. Trigeminal neuralgia results in severe, shooting pain in response to mild stimulation to your face.
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Schedule an Appointment (Physician Referral Required)
Phone: 717-988-9370
Request Information
UPMC Pinnacle Neurosurgery
Located at Brady Building
205 South Front Street
6th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17104
Phone: 717-988-9370
Fax: 717-703-0154
UPMC Neurological Institute
11 Sprint Drive, Suite B
Carlisle, PA 17015
Phone: 717-988-9370
Fax: 717-703-0154
UPMC Pinnacle Neurosurgery @ York Neurology Specialists
Located at Thistle Hill Professional Center
2030 Thistle Hill Drive
Suite 202
Spring Grove, PA 17362
Phone: 717-988-9370
Fax: 717-703-0154
PinnacleHealth Neurosurgery and Neurosciences Institute
Located at UPMC Outpatient Center
1160 Manheim Pike
Suite 202
Lancaster, PA 17601
Phone: 717-988-9370
Fax: 717-703-0154
Neurosurgery at PinnacleHealth Neurosurgery and Neurosciences Institute
Located at UPMC Outpatient Center
1251 East Main Street
Annville, PA 17003
Phone: 717-988-9370
Neurosurgery at PinnacleHealth Neurosurgery and Neurosciences Institute
Located at Medical Office Building 2
2005 Technology Parkway
Suite 100
Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
Phone: 717-988-9370
Fax: 717-703-0154