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Numbness and Weakness

Numbness or weakness can occur in different body parts due to factors like poor posture or repetitive tasks. Common causes include carpal tunnel syndrome, rotator cuff injury, herniated discs, and conditions like plantar fasciitis or diabetic neuropathy. Learn more about numbness and weakness and how you can can get diagnosis and treatment options at UPMC.

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What Is Numbness or Weakness?

Numbness or weakness can occur in many areas of our bodies at any time.

From sleeping the wrong way to sitting for an extended period, most of us have experienced some sort of numbness or weakness at one time.

While the condition may only last a short while, there may be underlying health issues that make the problem more severe.

What causes of numbness and weakness in the hands, fingers, and wrists?

Often, when we have numbness or weakness in the finger, hand, or wrist, it may be due to daily or repetitive tasks that strain or immobilize this particular area.

For example:

  • Sleeping in an awkward position
  • Using a computer or mobile device
  • Painting

However, performing these tasks on a regular basis can lead to long-term issues, including:

What causes numbness and weakness in the shoulder?

Every time our arms move, our shoulder joints move.

At some point, most of us feel numbness or weakness in the shoulder, whether from:

  • Daily activities
  • Injury
  • Aging
  • Simple wear-and-tear

Common causes of shoulder numbness and weakness can include:

What causes numbness and weakness in the leg or knee?

Most of us have had our leg “fall asleep,” where we experience numbness or weakness to the point of being unable to stand or walk.

While we typically regain normal function within minutes, there are conditions that cause numbness or weakness in the leg or knee for extended periods.

Some of the more common health issues that affect the legs and knees include:

  • Herniated disc
  • Lumbar degenerative disc disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Torn ligaments
  • Bursitis
  • Tendonitis

What causes numbness and weakness in the feet or toes?

While our choice of footwear is one of the more common reasons for numbness or weakness of the feet and toes, there are also medical conditions that can cause problems.

The most common health problems that can cause numbness or weakness in the feet and toes include:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Poor circulation
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Nerve damage from injury, back issues, or prior procedures
  • Nerve compression

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How Do You Diagnose Numbness and Weakness?

Since the causes of numbness or weakness vary widely, your doctor will want to complete a thorough medical history.

To help your doctor diagnose your numbness and weakness, consider the following before your appointment:

  • Specific details of when and how the injury occurred
  • Path of the pain or sensation as it radiates down your arm, leg, or back
  • Your body position when pain occurs
  • Sensations you feel — burning, tingling, sharp or dull pain
  • Frequency of pain or sensation — off and on, constant, during sleep
  • What helps the pain or sensation, or what makes it worse?

Providing your doctor with these details will greatly assist in creating a sound treatment plan for numbness and weakness.

Numbness and weakness diagnostic tests

After completing your medical history and physical exam, your doctor may order tests to confirm or rule out a diagnosis.

Tests to diagnose numbness and weakness may include:

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How Do You Treat Numbness or Weakness?

Depending on the specific diagnosis and severity of the injury, your doctor at UPMC Orthopaedic Care may suggest a variety of treatments.

How do you treating toe numbness?

Treatments for numbness in the toe depends on the cause but may include:

  • Medicine
  • Vitamins
  • Wearing thick, soft socks and a type of shoe that lets your toes move
  • Rest

How do you treat leg and foot numbness?

Leg and foot numbness treatments may include:

  • Corticosteroids or other drugs
  • Ice or heat
  • Exercise to pump blood to the legs and feet
  • Braces or custom designed shoes

Other treatments for numbness and weakness could include one or more of the following:

  • Limiting activity or movement
  • Slings, splints, braces, or other means of support/immobility
  • Physical therapy
  • Oral anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Shots
  • Surgery

It's very important to note that some conditions — such as sciatica — are often symptoms of other health problems, such as a slipped/herniated disc or spinal stenosis.

Seeking the advice of an orthopaedic specialist will ensure that your condition is diagnosed — and treated — as quickly and painlessly as possible.

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