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As of Wednesday, Feb. 12, it is recommended that patients, visitors, and staff wear a mask when entering UPMC clinical buildings.

Information for UPMC Harrisburg Visitors

Information for Visitors and Support Persons

Visitors and support persons are an essential part of healing. Learn about the most recent changes before visiting any UPMC care setting.

Information for Visitors and Support Persons

UPMC Harrisburg Visiting Hours

Adult Inpatient/ICU Units

9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

  • Children under 12 years are not recommended for the safety of patients and child. Exceptions can be made by the nursing supervisor, nurse manager or charge nurse.
  • Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Parents or guardians may visit at any time
  • Visitors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian
  • We will require that all visitors provide a photo ID. Without ID, there will be no admittance to our new Women and Babies Center.

Maternity Unit

9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Mother's key support person or baby's father may visit at any time
  • We will require that all visitors provide a photo ID. Without ID, there will be no admittance to our new Women and Babies Center.


9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Parents or legal guardians may visit at any time
  • Rooming accommodations available for one parent or guardian

Hospice Patients

24-hour visitation

Overnight Visitation

Overnight visitation will be allowed for adult patients in private rooms under the following circumstances:
  • Acute change in a patient's condition
  • Patient is confused, disoriented and calmed by the presence of a support person
  • Patient is at end of life
  • Patient has pre-existing care needs that are performed by a support person
  • Visitor must be 18 years old

Visitors who meet the criteria to visit overnight must register and receive approval to remain during Quiet Hours of 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Quiet Hours Visitation Approval Process

Friends and family who arrive and wish to visit between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. must register at the Visitor Check-in on the first floor of the hospital, located in or near the Emergency Department.

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