Life Changing Medicine. The world-renowned physicians and individuals at UPMC continuously strive to provide unparalleled outcomes, revolutionize treatments and discover breakthroughs for difficult illnesses.
Our efforts to administer the best, most advanced health care possible are matched only by our emphasis on offering compassionate, quality care to every patient we see.
Our continued partnership with the University of Pittsburgh provides support for medical research and ensures that our patients benefit from every available medical innovation, many of which were developed right here in Pittsburgh. Through this partnership, we can continue our work in clinical innovation, biomedical and health services research, and education—all of which are essential to shaping tomorrow’s health care landscape.
It is our mission to provide outstanding patient care rooted in respect and understanding and to do our part in improving the field of health care through innovation and technological advancements. With your help, we can achieve this.
You can play an essential role in our continued success. Every gift—no matter the size—helps us provide the best care and experience possible for our patients and communities. Please consider giving today.