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As of Wednesday, Feb. 12, it is recommended that patients, visitors, and staff wear a mask when entering UPMC clinical buildings.

Supplier Sustainability Performance Appreciation

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As UPMC continues incorporating sustainability principles into its operations, we appreciate the collaborative impact of our suppliers, especially those that are also practicing sustainability. Surveying occurs by thorough review of publicly accessible supplier websites for evidence of addressing the triple bottom-line of equity, economy, and environment. Based on a recent biannual (2019-2021) survey of the top 125 suppliers by spend, we learned the following about our supplier distribution:

  • In 2021, the significance of the top 125 suppliers by send is that they account ~58% of the total spend
20192021 Total Spend 
  • Ratio of top 125 suppliers aware of sustainability has significantly increased to more than 50%
2021 Vendor Sustainability Commitment Distribution 

Suppliers with high sustainability commitment, are transparent (public reporting) and use a sustainability performance report platform such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) , the United Nation's Global Compact (UNGC) , and/or the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). The significance of incorporating sustainability is that it reflects a positive, constructive commitment of accountability that extends beyond one's organization to the benefit of the larger community.

In 2021, of the top 125 vendors by spend, the percent measuring and reporting performance significantly increased to 50% compared to 26% of the last assessment.

2021 Vendor Sustainability Distribution 

  • Of the top 125 suppliers, those that publicly report their sustainability performance account for ~29% of the total spend, an increase of 3% compared to the last assessment.

	Percent of 20192021 Total Spend 

Learn More About UPMC and Sustainability