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As of Wednesday, Feb. 12, it is recommended that patients, visitors, and staff wear a mask when entering UPMC clinical buildings.

Sustainability at UPMC

UPMC Content 3

UPMC is committed system-wide to an environmentally preferred purchasing process. UPMC will demonstrate this commitment within all aspects of its operations by incorporating feasible, “green”-labeled alternative products that do not compromise patient care and safety while conserving resources.  

In accordance with the UPMC Purchasing Policy, Supply Chain Management (SCM) is committed to facilitating the choice to use and purchase environmentally and socially responsible materials and products.

It is the responsibility of SCM in conjunction with all UPMC departments and stakeholders to promote the development and use of environmentally friendly products and services through the following activities:

  1. Reviewing contracts, bids and specifications for products and services to ensure that whenever possible and economical, they are amended to provide the option for the use of or purchase of green products and services
  2. Promoting the purchasing of products from suppliers that have and demonstrate similar concerns about environmental sustainability and about the health of current and future generations
  3. Working with the UPMC System-wide Green Team to identify new environmentally friendly products, services and process improvements/changes in industry standards that may impact the environment
  4. Utilizing Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) to arrive at an informed sourcing decision when purchasing from suppliers that provide environmentally friendly products and services
  5. Educating UPMC personnel delegated with purchasing authority on UPMC’s Environmentally Preferred Purchasing Policy (EPPP), processes and operating procedures
  6. Making suppliers aware of UPMC’s Environmentally Preferred Purchasing Policy (EPPP)​