ED U-Turn Helps Prevents Avoidable Hospital Readmissions
UPMC Home Healthcare teams work with Emergency Department (ED) staff on ED U-Turn.
ED U-Turn provides follow-up care to patients at high risk for readmission within 24 hours of discharge from the ED. We fast-track chosen patients for home health care.
Benefits of ED U-Turn:
- Reduced risks linked with a hospital stay.
- Reliable and timely follow-up care at home to address needs and ensure home safety.
- Streamlined handoff to the patient's PCP for short-term oversight.
- Prevents avoidable readmissions and related financial fines.
- Cost savings to patients (co-pays).
- Improved bed capacity at hospitals.
How do I know if I can refer my patient to ED U-Turn?
To refer patients for ED U-Turn, they must have:
- Home health care qualifying issues (skilled need and homebound status) with a high risk of readmission, including:
- Health problems such as COPD, CHF, diabetes, falls, cellulitis, DVT, pain, and wounds.
- Considered for an observation admission (instead of admission).
- Returning to the ED within seven days of inpatient discharge.
- A designated PCP.
- Insurance eligibility. (ED U-Turn does not accept MA-pending and VA insurance because of the verification process time. We do accept them for home health referrals.)