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Conditions We Treat at the UPMC Center for Liver Care

Liver disease can progress quickly. This means that patients often need personalized care from the onset of symptoms to later complications from advanced liver disease.

At the UPMC Center for Liver Care, our highly trained liver specialists, or hepatologists, provide seamless care. We'll be your single point of contact each step of the way.

With a focus on early diagnosis and timely treatment, we have experience managing all types of liver conditions such as:

We also work with other UPMC experts to provide the most complete liver disease treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Chronic Liver Conditions We Treat

Liver Tumors We Treat

Complications of Cirrhosis We Treat

  • Ascites – Fluid that builds up in the abdominal cavity
  • Hydrothorax – Fluid that building up in the thoracic cavity
  • Encephalopathy of the liver – Confusion related to liver disease
  • Bleeding veins in the esophagus and stomach
  • Hyponatremia – Low sodium level caused by liver disease
  • Hepatorenal syndrome – Kidney disease caused by chronic liver disease
  • Portal Vein Thrombosis – blockage or narrowing of veins that bring blood to the liver.
  • Sarcopenia – Muscle loss related to liver disease
  • Liver transplantation referral, evaluation, and post transplantation care

Why Choose UPMC for Liver Care?

Our experts at the UPMC Center for Liver Care:

  • Provide the latest liver care treatments that's right for you.
  • Help you choose your plan of action and make lifestyle changes to manage your care.
  • Connect you with the skilled doctors in the UPMC Liver Cancer Center and the UPMC Liver Transplant Program, if needed.

Contact the UPMC Center for Liver Care

To make an appointment, call 412-647-1170.