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As of Wednesday, Feb. 12, it is recommended that patients, visitors, and staff wear a mask when entering UPMC clinical buildings.

Debra Weiner, MD


Dr. Weiner's research interests include the effectiveness of acupuncture and percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in the management of persistent pain conditions in older adults, evaluation of pain and pain behaviors in cognitively impaired older adults, development of outcome measures for older adults with low back pain, the influence of persistent pain on cognitive function in older adults and the development of educational programs on older adult pain management for health care providers.

Dr. Weiner has presented lectures and has published numerous articles on these topics in professional journals and is the author of a chapter on pain for American Geriatrics Society publication, “Elder Care at Home,” to be published in 2003. She is editor of American Geriatrics Society Public Education Forum series (web-based) on complementary and alternative medicine and author of monograph on acupuncture for this series, to be published in 2003.

Dr. Weiner received her medical degree from the University of Missouri, Columbia, MO., and did her residency at Jewish Hospital of St. Louis, St. Louis, MO.