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The Dan Berger Cord Blood Program 

Our program gives parents the option of preserving their baby's umbilical cord blood for future health care needs or research.

Learn more about Dan Berger and the history of the cord blood banking program (PDF).

Cord Blood Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Don't Let Your Baby's Cord Blood Go to Waste

The Dan Berger Cord Blood Program is unique in that it offers parents three options from which to choose:

  1. Donate your baby's cord blood to research to help mankind.
  2. Donate to a public bank and help others who may need the cells. The National Marrow Donor Program usually handles matching cord blood to those in need. Magee has a contract with Vitalant cord blood donor bank.
  3. Save your baby's cord blood in one of the contracted private banks for your family, including ViaCord or Cord Blood Registry. These banks are for-profit and charge fees to store cord blood for the exclusive use of the donor.

Learn more about cord blood banking options

Do you want to know more about umbilical cord blood banking? Or do you need help making an informed decision about what to do with your baby's cord blood?

  • Watch the cord blood banking options video below to learn more.
  • Talk to your doctor.
  • Contact Mary Wiegel at the Dan Berger Cord Blood Program by phone 412-209-7479 or email.

Contact Us

If you want to learn more about us, contact Mary Wiegel, at 412-209-7479 or by email.