What Is Vascular Trauma?
Arteries and veins make up the vascular system.
- Arteries carry blood away from the heart.
- Veins carry blood back to the heart.
Vascular trauma means that a blood vessel has sustained some kind of injury.
Sometimes, these injuries involve a tear or puncture that causes blood loss. Other times they cause damage to the vessel from crushing or twisting.
Vascular trauma risk factors and causes
Anyone can experience vascular trauma because of an injury — whether intentional or unintentional.
Vascular trauma causes
Vascular trauma can result from a wide range of causes, including:
- Injury (accidents, falls, cuts, etc.).
- Violence.
- Pinching of a vein or artery (internal or external).
- Dislocation of a bone.
- Piercing of a vein, such as with insertion of an IV.
Vascular trauma complications
Vascular trauma can lead to a number of complications, including:
- Loss of blood, sometimes a large amount.
- Formation of a blood clot (thrombosis).
- Bruising and swelling.
- Soreness or pain.
- Scarring.
Scarring or incomplete healing can cause permanent weakness in the artery or vein, which makes it more prone to future injury.
Blood clots can cause a blockage of blood flow. A clot becomes especially dangerous when it breaks off and travels through to another part of the body, like the heart, lungs, or brain.
If you or someone else is experiencing significant blood loss, contact a medical professional right away.