Unmatched Care for Women.
Another Convenient Location.
Always putting women and their babies first, while providing expert care, women now have even more access to the advanced specialty care and services of UPMC Magee in the northern communities. In addition to annual women’s well visits, prenatal care, fertility treatments, breast imaging services, and advanced breast cancer diagnostics and care, our experts can help women through every step of their health care journey, close to home.
UPMC Magee-Womens Specialty Services includes:
- Magee-Womens Imaging
- Breast Imaging
- OB/GYN Ultrasound
- Magee-Womens Surgical Associates
- Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Program
- UPMC Cancer Genetics Program
- OB/GYN Services
- North Park OB/GYN
- Advanced OB/GYN
- Greater Pittsburgh OB/GYN Associates
- Specialty Services
UPMC Lemieux Sports Complex
8000 Cranberry Springs Dr.
Cranberry Township, PA 16066