Do you feel 60 years young – or 60 years old? Most of us used to think only of Medicare, retirement and early-bird dinner specials when it came to seniors over 60. But today women in their 60s are aging more gracefully and energetically than ever. Many are even going back to college, starting businesses or running marathons.
Even if you've had some unhealthy habits up to this point or you suffer from a chronic medical condition, the physicians at UPMC want you to know that it's not too late to make those healthy lifestyle changes that will ultimately put you on the path to better living.
Common Concerns About Your Health
Women in their 60s are typically concerned about:
- Heart disease. Continue having your blood pressure and cholesterol checked on a regular basis.
- Cancer. Early detection is always key, so continue having regular pelvic exams, Pap smears, mammograms and colonoscopies.
- Incontinence. Bladder control may become an issue as you age.
- Aches and pains. Many aches and pains are associated with arthritis.
- Osteoporosis. Make sure to have a bone density test.
- Neurological health. Make sure to be evaluated for early Alzheimer's, dementia, especially if you are experiencing memory loss.
Additionally, continue to have:
- Immunizations (one tetanus shot every ten years and yearly influenza vaccinations)
- Skin screening (at least once every three years)
- Dental exam and cleaning every six months
- Vision and hearing exams
Common Questions About Your Health
Do any of the questions below pertain to you? You may have these or other questions and concerns about how your body is changing as you age. Make a note of them as they occur to you, and discuss them with your physician.
- Based on my personal medical history and age (60 or older), how often should I have regular checkups, and which screening tests should I have and when?
- How do I prepare for a bone density test? What can I do if the test shows bone mass deficiency does this mean I will get osteoporosis?
- Is it safe to continue the same exercise program I've had for years? Do I need to take any special precautions at my age?
- Intercourse has become painful. What's wrong and what should I do?
- Female friends my age have breast and other cancers, and I am terrified that I'm next. Is this normal? What can I do to ease my mind?
- I used to pass urine when sneezing or coughing. Now I'm having trouble controlling my bladder at night. What can I do to control this problem?
- Over-the-counter medicines aren't helping the pain of arthritis, but I'm concerned about the risks associated with prescription medicines. What choices do I have?
UPMC services in Central Pa. that can help you stay healthy through your 60+s:
Contact Us
Looking for a doctor? Want more information about our services? 717-231-8900 for more information or help choosing a physician near you.