Our Telepsychiatry Program offers the following psychiatric and mental health services to patients and professionals:
Outpatient Telepsychiatry Services
The Telepsychiatry Program provides access to mental health services in counties across Pennsylvania that before had little to no psychiatric care.
We offer these outpatient services through a partnership with the Community Care Behavioral Health Organization. Community Care manages mental health services for Pennsylvanians who receive Medical Assistance.
Using videoconferencing, patients at their local behavioral health centers can:
- Consult with a UPMC psychiatrist virtually, with support from a nurse or social worker.
- Receive treatment and medication management on a routine basis.
- Increase engagement with mental health treatment.
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Inpatient Telepsychiatry Services
UPMC psychiatrists provide inpatient consults for hospitals that have a shortage of psychiatrists or don't have any on staff.
Using telepsychiatry, doctors and staff at regional hospitals can:
- Consult via phone or a real-time audio videoconference with a UPMC psychiatrist.
- Share electronic patient records with UPMC psychiatrists.
- Use real-time audio videoconferencing to treat patients.
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Telepsychiatry Education and Training for Health Care Professionals
UPMC's world-class telepsychiatry staff helps behavioral health workers by:
- Offering resident electives to train psychiatrists in telemedicine.
- Providing online training.
- Offering videoconferences with experts in their fields.
- Conducting research studies and looking for new mental health treatments.
- Offering educational webcasts.
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Learn more about UPMC telepsychiatry services: