Anyone can be a bully. Bullies may be aggressive or reserved, but they are experts in manipulating people in subtle, damaging ways, such as putting people down to make themselves feel better. Most bullies are trying to get attention.
If you are being bullied:
- Tell someone, like a trusted teacher, friend, parent, or counselor. Letting someone know you are being bullied can help you find a solution, especially if you feel unsafe or frightened. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to anyone you know, call SAFELine at 814-456-7233.
- Ignore the bully and walk away. Bullies thrive on the reaction they get. If you walk away or ignore them, you’re telling the bully that you don’t care about them. If they don’t get the attention they crave, they may soon get bored and stop bothering you.
- Don’t get physical. Acting on your anger by hitting, pushing, or kicking the bully will only escalate the problem. Reacting gives the bully the satisfaction of knowing they are upsetting you. Also, you could get hurt or in trouble, like getting kicked out of school or even arrested.
- Practice confidence. Think about how you can respond to a bully with confidence, either through words or body language.
- Take charge of your life. You can’t stop someone from acting poorly, but you can control your own actions. Maintain good morals and behavior.
- Find your real friends. Avoid individuals who like to gossip, spread rumors, or pick on other students. Stay true to yourself and learn who you can trust.
Steps to Stop Bullying in Schools
It just takes one person to speak up. If you feel the environment at your school supports bullying, take steps to change it. Ask your guidance counselor or another school official about what kind of laws and policies are in place to protect you from bullying or explore starting an anti-bullying program at your school. For more information about how you can hep stop bullying at your school, call SAFELine at 814-456-7233.
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